No Cost Bad Check Recovery System
- Fully computerized collection system
- 100% return of face value upon collection
- No up-front fees! We make our fee off of the service charge (the bad check writer pays it). No membership or account or account maintenance. We don't make a dime until we collect.
- Bank authorization available. The Bank sends the bad checks directly to our office. This saves you time and postage.
- Legal follow through. If the debtor refuses to pay, our specialized collection lawyers take over.
- Consumer commercial and retail collections. Whether someone wrote you a bad check personally or to your business or chartered organization, we can help you.
- Electronic Check Representment. This program helps to speed up collections to get your money back in your hands.
- Electronic Check Verification Services. Helps you make a decision at the cash register before you accept a check.
- No minimum charges for the number of returned checks submitted for collection whether its one check or 1000 checks per year.
- Skip tracing services locate missing debtors.
- Bad checks are reported to the National Credit Bureaus. We specialize in collecting old written off checks for a percentage.
- A comprehensive professional collection system that maintains your company's goodwill while inducing the debtor to pay.
- A reputable effective and efficient system that fully complies with Debt Recovery laws.